Thursday, August 26, 2010

The most Prettiest Girl

This woman is so beautiful it just blows my mind. Why is she with me, man, am I lucky.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Dinner with Family

We had dinner last night with a large portion of my family; Bekki and Nate and their kids, Alyssa and her Kids and my little sister Emily. Mostly pics of Bekki and Nate's apartment complex.

Community Garden
Foot bridge behind apartment complex
Apartment Complex
Downstairs Unit
Zane comforting himself
Owen, wondering if the picture has been taken yet.
Christabel posing with her milk mustache.
Cora, getting ready to attack.
Cora, another milk mustache

Tuesday Sunset at Goleta Beach

Amazing sunset at Goleta Beach down the street from our house. Got some cool shots of the pier with random foot traffic and some good nature shots.

What's he doing in here?

Fat Unclites

Fat Uncle Farm employees getting a hands on experience with Chicken Cuddling. Chicken Cuddling, unknown to many, is fast becoming a national sport in many areas of California, Goleta being one. The three runners up from monday are caught in these photos below. In order of appearance Krista, Carly, and Hanna.


Carrot and Beet Soup
Great food by Master Cheph Mike
Fruit Salad by Carly

Hand Harvesting Almonds

A day at the farm and hand harvesting almonds for a completely emmission free raw snack.

A mini zoo

Went to a friends house and documented his pets. Fairly entertaining.
Legless lizard
Asian Duckies
Camera-Shy Coco
Pete and Sally the Piranha Pals
Do you have some food?
I am quite Large